داستان آبیدیک

نفی کردن ـ نفی

nafy’, ~ kardan


1 Law:: cause to be ineffective or invalid (attempts to standardize human performance can negate the purpose of study( (they negated the court’s ruling( ● invalidate : to make invalid; especially : to weaken or destroy the cogency of; explode : to bring into disrepute or discredit (explode a theory( refute : to deny the truth or accuracy of (refuted the allegations( ● nullify : 1. to make null; especially : to make legally null and void

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2 Law:: to make of no value or consequence (they nullified the legislation( ● decry : to express strong disapproval of (decry the emphasis on sex( ● deprecate : express disapproval of ● damn (we are not going to damn the new product before we try it( : condemn, censure, denounce, deprecate : feel and express disapproval of something ● negative : 1. a : to refuse assent to b : to reject by or as if by a vote

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3 Law:: to demonstrate the falsity of

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4 Law:: to deny the truth, reality, or validity of

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5 Law:: neutralize, counteract ● defeat (these complex plans defeat their purpose( : thwart, frustrate, foil, ruin, scotch, debar, derail; obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper Synonyms (1) : Nullify, negate, annul, abrogate, invalidate mean to deprive of effective or continued existence. Nullify implies counteracting completely the force, effectiveness, or value of something (a penalty nullified the touchdown(. Negate implies the destruction or canceling out of each of two things by the other (the arguments negate each other(. Annual suggests making ineffective or nonexistent often by legal or official action (the treaty annuls all previous agreements(. Abrogate is like annul but more definitely implies a legal or official act (a law to abrogate trading privileges( INVALIDATE implies making something powerless or unacceptable by declaration of its logical or moral or legal unsoundness (the court invalidated the statute( W

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